The Simplifying Machine 

The daily schedule of Tugan and Apollo lately:

The daily schedule of Tugan and Apollo lately:

  1. Wake Up

  2. Talk to Web3 Projects

  3. GB Files

  4. Talk to more Web3 Projects

  5. Good night

From a recent conversation…

We talked to a group of two ambitious and very smart builders who have been building on an all-in-one launchpad, investment community, and crypto exchange.

They reached out to us, asking for marketing advice.

Well… we said: “No wonder you’re struggling. You are building three different products for three different audiences.”

As a solution to this, we came up with the…

“The Web3 Simplifying Machine”

99% of Web3 (or Web2) projects fail because of internal and external confusion.

Internal: Who do we build for? What do we build? How do we reach them?

External: This is what we sell! This is who we sell for! This is how you can join us!

The answer? Simplicity.

Step #1 - One Degen Avatar

Who do you build for? Also… ask yourself, why do you build for them? What about the thing that you can improve in their life that excites you? 

Start with…

What’s their net worth?

Where do they hang out? (very important) 

Who do they listen to? 

What does their daily routine look like?  


Step #2 - One Acquisition Funnel 

Now you know who you build for and where they hang out. 

Now, you only need to find a way to get to them. 

You can use AJM (Apollo Juggernaut Method) to infiltrate communities. 

You can try to reach the Opinion Leaders that they trust. 

Your main goal. Get in front of their eyes and then convert them on your offer.

Try a couple of things, and then go for one funnel only.

Step #3 - One Core Feature 

Think Snapchat, Opensea, or Blur.

In the beginning, they only had one feature. Send your friends an image, and it will disappear after 10 seconds. That was it. No ability to upgrade, no ability to change the time it shows. Nothing. 

That one feature allowed them to become a humongous company. 

Opensea? You can buy and sell NFTs. That’s it. All the other features that came later didn’t work. 

Blur? Use us if you want to sweep floors and need a power-up from OpenSea (in the beginning, it was only for whale NFT traders).

So think about… What’s one that your target audience is suffering from? What’s their biggest pain point? What’s the main thing that’s holding them back from becoming the person they want to be? 

Then, build this solution. Ship light, ship fast, ship cheap.

Next steps?

If you’re an MVG.

  1. Write to one person. 

  2. Then, get more people who are like that one person. 

  3. Help the ecosystem, blockchain, or project that you’re writing about to make things simpler.

As Builder. 

  1. Choose one person. 

  2. Choose one way to reach them. 

  3. Choose one feature that solves a big pain point. 

And live happily after.

Good things are coming,