In Need Of Some Urgent Cash?

We’ve been receiving some questions after our “Triangle of Wealth” email regarding the first side of the mighty mythology.

Web2 Cashflow.

The goal of this side is to get you to $10.000 - $20.000 per month with no sweat, so you can start building your DHG and web3 tech.

And buy your girlfriend her first designer handbag.

Here’s a little web2 gig that we thought about during our last Red Bull Light brainstorming sessions

We call it

A. A.

Artificial Agency.

What you do is really quite simple…

  1. You spend one month learning about A.I. automations and basic chatGPT prompts

  2. Then you sell that knowledge as an agency to established and bureaucratic companies

The promise is something along these lines:

“Reduce 50% of your costs and make 300% more money using the power of A.I.”

You help them to…

* Automate tasks.

* Fire employees.

* Work less and get more stuff done.

In other words… You instill the “Lean Mfer Way Of Life” into the company.

No more BS. No more arrogant overpaid employees. No more virtue signaling.

Lean. Mean. Profitable. That’s just how we like it.

Your target audience is companies with 5-50 employees. Small enough that they can make decisions fast, large enough that they feel the bureaucratic overhead.

You can either charge a flat retainer of $5.000 - $10.000 per month or you take a commission on the costs that you help them cut.

Whatever floats your boat.

What you are betting on are two things.

Information gap.

99% of entrepreneurs older than 35 have absolutely no clue (and no time) how AI works. Just by you being 2 steps ahead, you will seem like someone from the promised land.


It’s cool, it’s sexy, it’s new - everybody wants to do it.

That’s it for today.

Good luck,


P.S.: You can read the full “Triangle of Wealth” mail here.