100 Hour Work Week

Sorry, Tim Ferriss.

In a world where it's considered cool to work less, take more vacations, and prioritize mental health breaks, we want to present an alternative to a life where:

* You outsource everything to people who don't truly care about your business and end up messing things up.

* You settle for the current growth and revenue numbers, becoming complacent.

* You settle for "average" results, spending more time on leisure activities like buying scented candles, attending cooking classes, and browsing Airbnb for beachfront villas.

That's not for Lean Mfers…

We prefer something called the "100-Hour Work Week."

The current business landscape is like a jungle filled with dangerous, lean predators ready to rip apart every opportunity.

Predators without claws can now use AI as their replacement.

If you're not giving it your all, there's no place for you in the jungle.

And no, I'm not saying that AI will take over the world.

I'm simply stating that we now live in a world where individuals who weren't even close to being competitors are now direct competitors.

Those who didn't speak English now have Chat-GPT, and those who didn't understand coding have access to thousands of tools that can assist them.

If you don't grow, you die.

this is where you...

* Hunt for fresh opportunities.

* Make numerous mistakes and act swiftly.

* Produce 11/10 content

To quote Paul Graham, "With ambition, you tend to get one step below what you aim for. So unless you try to be the best, you won't even be good."

This quote encapsulates the efforts of a Lean Mfer.

If you don't give 100% of your efforts to what you're building every day, it simply won't work.

That’s why 91.2% of people in America earn under $1,000,000 a year.

Everybody wants to buy the next 100x meme coin, but nobody wants to be the next "Adblocker" or "Blur".

"Success is rare, while failure is common. Unless you do extraordinary things, your results won't be exceptional." - Apollo

A Lean Mfer hunts in 100-hour work weeks.

And that will eventually result in something extraordinary.

Or perhaps you're happy with building a $ 5,000-per-month agency as your life's work.

That's also ok.


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